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fc,800x800,grass_greenThings are starting to proceed for Issue #8 and I am making good headway on the final read pile. Thank you everybody for your patience with out treacle slow submission process. I will be working on some more this week and I will be getting emails out to people with final answers as I have them. We will be launching a new feature next week, a weekly sneak preview of issues with stories and artwork. I’m also looking into different options for further advertising and ways of keeping the magazine going. If you do enjoy it please mention it to your friends and write a review on Amazon! Also, Like our facebook page and share it with your friends, every little bit helps.
Also, to help keep things going I’ve added a donate button on the right hand side. If you would like to kick a few dollars in to help keep things running the money will be put towards paying authors, any amount will help. The goal is to get to the point where this is unnecessary but while things are still growing any help would be greatly appreciated.
Finally, I will be attending Oz Comicon in Sydney on the 25/26th of September. I will be the guy is the snazzy new green Sci Phi Journal tshirt wandering around. On the off chance anybody who reads will be in Sydney shoot me an email editor@sciphijournal.com so we can meet up!