by David Henson

The poison claimed a woman down the street yesterday. It was a quiet removal. The paramedics don’t bother with sirens or flashing lights anymore. I try not to imagine her face contorting into a grotesque cherry after eating a slice of pie. Was it the fruit, flour, sugar? Her husband had a piece, too, and he’s fine. Whatever the poison is, it’s as unpredictable as a loaded gun with a spinning chamber.
As I’m checking my phone for more news, Jenny, our four-year-old daughter, tugs my shirttail. “Hungry.” It breaks my heart that she’s lost her baby fat already.
Lisa goes into the kitchen, the squeaking floorboards like distant screams. My wife’s cheeks are sunken, and I’ve punched an extra hole in my belt. The blender shrieks like a banshee; my wife returns and hands me the glass. “Your turn.”
Just looking at another cucumber smoothie makes me gag. I squeak my finger around the lip of the container — twice clockwise, once counterclockwise.
After taking a sip and not dropping dead, I put the drink to my little girl’s lips as quickly as possible without chipping her tooth. My wife whimpers and sinks to her knees as my daughter and I repeat the process until the glass is empty, and we’ve both survived. The poison ticks to its own clock. I can’t shake the feeling that it’ll strike midnight for one us. All of us.
Lisa struggles to her feet. “I don’t think I can take this much longer.” I hate seeing my wife like this; she was always the strong one.
I’m still shaking when my phone dings. Another news alert flashes images of burning buildings, mobs blaming each other for the poison. Nations are threatening each other. There was so much hatred and mistrust before, I never imagined things could be worse.
Jenny picks up her ball. Now it’s my turn to say “Your turn.”
My daughter and Lisa sit on the floor, the soles of their feet touching.
“Roll, don’t throw,” I hear Lisa say as I check the updated list of foods that’ve had lethal incidents. More every day. Nothing but water seems safe. The experts are scrubbing their brains searching for an antidote, but how can they focus when choosing between starvation or risking figurative Russian roulette?
As I browse for more news, the screen flickers. Cell service will die before long. Too few people to maintain it. We’re lucky to still have power in our neighborhood. The glow of the city used to blot out the stars. Now I see more every time I slip out of bed in the wee hours and into the back yard. I pretend the glistening points of light are the spirits of people taken by the poison. It’s a hard illusion to hold on to, but helps me through restless nights. Sometimes, my wife’s screams jar me from my fantasy, and I rush back to our bedroom and gently shake her.
I don’t sleep much, but I no longer get up early either. If these are my last days, I’ll spend them with my family, not doing paperwork. My boss used to hound me to return to the office. “Stephens,” he said, “without people like me, everything would grind to a halt.” Like he did when he ate a chocolate bar from the vending machine. He was a jerk who took credit for my work, but he didn’t deserve what they say is an excruciating death.
Some folks believe nature offers safety, but bodies are found even in secluded cabins. From blueberries to rainbow trout, the poison respects no boundaries and has no conscience. Some eat only in altered states—meditating, screwing, smoking pot. Others binge, hoping for a better life in another dimension. So many tactics, so much dying. I hear my wife cursing under her breath and see she’s staring at a photo of our last holiday feast before the outbreak, She inhales as if savoring the aromas and memories. “No more,” she says. “We’re going to have a proper meal.” Her defiance is thrilling. And horrifying. Every ingredient is a risk. I tell her we should hold on until there’s a cure.
“There is no cure,” she says. Her words make my heart clench. Striding to the kitchen, she hands me the photo. I remember that day—turkey with rosemary, mashed potatoes puddled with gravy, cranberries glistening like rubies…. Even Jenny, in her high chair, had a little of everything. We ate with joy … before the world cracked … when the biggest concern was a stain on the tablecloth.
While Lisa’s rummaging in the pantry and freezer, my phone dings. Scientists now believe the poison is inside people and has grown so strong food is triggering it.
As I read the report again, I feel a sense of calm. Hoisting my giggling daughter onto my shoulders, I go into the kitchen and give my wife the latest news. She presses her palm to my cheek and kisses Jenny’s knees. My heart brimming with antidote, I lower our girl to the floor and set the table.
David Henson and his wife have lived in Brussels, Belgium and Hong Kong over the years and now reside in Illinois. His work was selected for Best Microfictions 2025 and has been nominated for four Pushcart Prizes, two Best Small Fictions and Best of the Net. His stories and poetry have appeared in numerous print and online journals including The Brussels Review, Ghost Parachute, Fictive Dream, Pithead Chapel, Moonpark Review, Literally Stories and Fiction on the web. His website is His Twitter is @annalou8.
Philosophy Note:
The story raises the question of the personal response (antidote) to the prevalence of hatred in today’s society.