

So things have been crazy around here lately between buying a new house and preparing one for selling, collecting interviews from the Star Trek Symposium presenters and just life in general, but things continue to progress. As always I continue to be behind on getting submissions read but I will find time!
It has taken a little while but for Patrons of the magazine all of the digest versions are available, there is now a Monthly Digests Menu on the main page that takes you through to all of the past digest issues of stories on the site. So if you missed some of the earlier ones or want to get those they are now available.
We are also approach the six month mark and the older stories will start to come down off the site and those will start being prepared for the first new print edition of the Journal. Thanks to everybody who has been helping out and thanks to everybody who has been reading along with us and a special thank you to all the Patrons who make all this possible.
Don’t forget to check out the Star Trek Symposium and look for the first collection of interviews for that later this week.

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