A Hugo nomination and other news!


It looks like one of the stories I published, On a Spiritual Plain by Lou Antonelli has been nominated for a Hugo, an extremely worthy choice. Thanks to everybody who participated and nominated for this Hugo’s and thanks especially to everybody who voted for On a Spiritual Plain and also those who voted for The Sci Phi Show which also won a nomination and will be resuming soon, tied more closely to the journal.
Also, people are asking how the submission pile is going, and it is going but not as fast as I would like. I think I need to bite the bullet here and ask, would anybody be interested in being a first reader for Sci Phi at least for the short stories? I really want to read them all myself but that is proving impossible and it isn’t fair to make everybody wait indefinitely. So please let me know, editor@sciphijournal.com if you would like to get involved.
Also, I have a lot of really good submissions, so I was thinking that instead of taking a very long time to get everything published it might be worth producing an anthology or annual of Sci Phi stories along with the regular issues. I will be contacting the current yes pile about that today.
Finally, Sci Phi’s artist extraordinaire Cat Leonard floated the idea of illustrating a short comic as part of an issue. Would anybody be interested in collaborating with her on something like that?

1 Comment

  1. I’m an older artist/writer. I’ve published a short story with Fight Card and self published a comic anthology. I have several genre shorts in file I could use to write short comics, also.

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